Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Iranian Periodontology Scientific Association
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Iranian Periodontology Scientific Association
Registration Number: 16617
National ID: 1010059515153
We cordially invite all our esteemed members of the Iranian Periodontology Scientific Association to attend the First Annual General Meeting, scheduled as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 1402/08/02 (2023/10/24)
Time: 10-11 AM
Location: No. 83, 5th Floor, Ali Ali Alley, Nasr (Gisha) Street, Tehran, Iran.
1. Review of the Board of Directors’ performance report.
2. Presentation and approval of the financial statements.
3. Report by the auditor.
4. Other matters within the competence of the Annual General Meeting.
Board of Directors, Iranian Periodontology Scientific Association