فراخوان ارسال مقالات
بیست و سومین گردهمایی انجمن پریودونتولوژی ایران
The 23rd Congress of the Iranian Academy of Periodontology
15th - 18th October 2024
سال همایش هتل المپیک، تهران، ایران
مهلت ارسال مقالات دهم اردیبهشت الی پانزدهم خرداد ماه 1403

Guidelines for Research Presentation
- Articles including systematic review, randomized clinical trial, clinical trial, retrospective and prospective researches, animal studies, and in vitro studies in any area of Periodontology and Implant dentistry are welcome to be submitted.
- Case report and case series in any area of Periodontology and Implant dentistry are welcome to be submitted as poster presentation. Case report and case series must have novelty for clinical innovation part and must include high quality photographs of the case(s).
- Case reports for poster presentation are considered for acceptance only if they present extremely rare cases, symptoms and side effects, new surgical techniques, or help clarify the possible etiology(ies) or pathogenesis of a disease, and technical reports (new techniques, methods, equipment, software, …) that may be related to diagnosis or treatment in this field.
- Researches can be presented as Oral Presentation (Research panel) or Poster Presentation. The presenter should select the type of presentation during submission.
- The abstract must contain original material, not published or presented at any other international meeting prior to April 2024.
- All accepted articles will have their abstracts published in the Journal of Advanced Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
- The user who submitted the abstract to the system would be recognized as the Corresponding Author of the submitted abstract.
- Only authors listed in the abstracts are eligible to present the research.
- Authors are advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts. Any mistakes in literature or scientific facts will be published as what is typed.
- If you are both a meeting speaker and a poster presenter at this meeting, do not repeat meeting material in your individual presentation.
- Only abstracts meeting the following requirements will be considered for presentations.
Abstract Submission for “Research Presentation”
- Submit the manuscript in English and only in Microsoft Word (any version after 2007) format.
- Main text should be double-spaced using a 12 points size Times New Roman.
A concise descriptive title should be chosen for the submission. Do not capitalize all words; only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized. Include the type of the study (meta-analysis, systematic review, cohort, case report, etc.) in the title with a colon (:).
The structured abstract (maximum 250 words) is to contain the following major subheadings:
Background: The Background subheading reflects the background as well as the purpose of the study, that is, the hypothesis being tested.
Methods: The Methods should include the setting for the study, the subjects (number and type), the treatment or intervention, and the type of statistical analysis
Results: The Results include the outcome of the study and statistical significance if appropriate.
Conclusion: The Conclusion states the significance of the results.
Clinical trials should include the trial registration number on the last line of the abstract.
Three to 10 keywords for each submission should be selected from the list of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh
List keywords in alphabetic order separated with a comma.
Author information
Full names and email addresses of all authors, as well as their affiliations and institutional addresses are requested during submission. Providing the unique identifier (ORCID) of each co-author is preferred for all submissions. For each submission, providing the unique identifiers for the first and the corresponding co-authors is a minimum requirement. If a collaboration group should be listed as an author, please list the group name as an author.
Author names
Author information is published so that the authors and their institutes be recognizable to the scientific community. Author information is also used to retrieve records in databases and bibliographic indexes, and yet many databases either do not include or do not list all author information. We recognize that some authors have multi-part first, middle, or last names and that some authors do not have a middle name, but a part of their first or last name has been used previously to provide a middle name initial in another publication. It is the policy of the journals published by TUOMS PRESS to publish author information, including their names in the same format supplied by the corresponding author upon submission. This information will appear in databases like PubMed or Scopus. Therefore, the authors should enter their information in the provided submission area in a way that is bibliographically consistent with their previous publications.
Author affiliation format
Full names and email addresses of all authors, as well as their affiliations and institutional addresses are requested during submission.
Please consider these important notes:
- No other information including the education and qualification of the authors, or their degree or academic rank is required in this section. The authors are welcome to publish these information in the “Biography” or “Education and qualifications” or any other related part on their ORCID profile. The ORCID is required and will be published and linked alongside the author names.
- If there is only one author for an abstract with one affiliation, no linking numbers (1, 2, etc.) is required.
- One author may have more than one affiliation. For information on how to order your affiliations, please consult an expert for further help.
Authors in Academia can provide an affiliation to their institute:
- Department of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Authors in private practice can simply use this example affiliation:
- Private Practice, Tehran, Iran
Students can simply provide an affiliation to the department, school, or university where their work has been published. Please consult an expert for further help. Examples:
- Faculty of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
- Department of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
- Student Research Committee, Faculty of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
To update your ORCID profile, please visit https://orcid.org/ and log in to your profile, where you can add and update any necessary information.
Citing the abstracts
The authors who publish abstracts of their work in the proceedings of the 23rd Congress of the Iranian Academy of Periodontology should note that upon best practice guidelines, they should cite their congress abstract in the full-text article published later.
Oral Presentation
- All presenters are required to include a slide listing any conflict of interest disclosures.
- Please prepare your presentation only through Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Please cover the same material as reported in the abstract.
- Internet is not available in the meeting rooms.
- Please prepare your presentation according to the defined time.
- Each oral session room will be equipped with a Laptop (all computer presentations will be operated by the presenter), an LCD projector, a screen, and a microphone. Your presentation will be posted on the desktop in your assigned room just prior to your session time.
- Any PowerPoint presenter must bring his/her presentation on a USB drive to the Speaker Ready Room, at least 24 hours prior to the presentation to have it uploaded onto the server.
- Please be sure to be present in the session room for throughout the 2- hour panel for possible questions.
Poster Presentations
- All posters are only presented electronically.
- Please submit your E-Poster according to the template that can be downloaded here.
- Cover the same material as reported in the abstract.
- Hyperlinks, animated images, and animations are not permitted for e-Posters and will be non-functioning.
- Attach a small photograph of yourself to the poster so other participants can recognize you as the presenter.
- You are required to stay at your poster at your assigned presentation time.
- If applicable, presenters should mention the sponsors or conflict of interest of their research in their posters.